Probably throughout our lives we can find many methodologies to investigate some object or fact, such as the analytical method.Before knowing what this consists of, we must know that there is more than one research method, such as the synthetic method..
According to the RAE, “Analysis” is defined as the “distinction and separation of the parts of something to know its composition”. While the "synthesis" is known as the "composition of a whole by the meeting of its parts."
Once it is clear that the analysis is correlated to "Decomposition", and synthesis equals "composition", then we can understand that the analytical method is the one that proceeds by decomposing the real, or rational and ideal compounds, into their parts and the synthetic method is the one that proceeds from the simple to the compound and particular.
The synthetic method is used in experimental sciences, since by means of this generalizing laws are extracted. The analytical is the process derived from knowledge from the laws. The synthesis generates a superior knowledge by adding new knowledge that was not in previous concepts.
So these two methods can be said to correspond to the two kinds of reasoning that work in a timely manner to human understanding, that is, induction and deduction.
So… What is the analytical method?
The analytical method is that empirical-analytical research process that focuses on the decomposition of a whole, dismantling it into several parts or elements to determine the causes, nature and effects. The definition of analysis is the study and examination of a particular fact or object, it is the most used in the field of social sciences and natural sciences.
For the same reason, it is essential that for to carry out an analytical method it is necessary to know the nature of the phenomenon and of the object that is studied to understand its essence and to impart an appropriate investigation. This method helps us to know more about the object of study and its characteristics with which it is possible to: explain, make analogies, better understand its behavior and establish new theories.
The analysis takes shape from what concrete to abstract, since with the instrument of abstraction the parts of the whole can be separated as well as their basic relationships that are of interest for intensive study.
Then the analytical method carries with it several characteristics, rules to follow and steps to be able to carry out the methodology successfully.
- It does not consider its conclusions infallible or final, they may be subject to change thanks to new research that refutes any hypothesis.
- The method is open to the incorporation of new knowledge and procedures in order to ensure a better approach to the truth.
- You need samples: Sampling is an important part of the analytical method, if the sample is taken incorrectly the results would be erroneous or useless.
- It consists of an experimentation that you can have errors, and in the end get the truth.
Rules of the analytical method
- Before undertaking the examination and resolution of a question, it is necessary to realize its nature. In the same object you can examine and try to discover different elements such as its essence, or its properties and attributes, or also its special relationships with other beings.
- It is convenient decompose the event or object taking into account that a meticulous examination of its parts, elements or principles will be carried out. This decomposition can be real and physical, or rational and ideal, depending on the object in question. It is also favorable to take care that this decomposition is verified by keeping the rules of the division, to avoid confusion.
- When examining the elements or parts of an object, It must be done in such a way that they do not lose sight of their relationships with each other and there is a connection between everything so that there is a union. If an individual considered the parts of an object in isolation, without taking into account or considering the relationships with each other and with the whole, it would undoubtedly be highly probable that inaccurate and erroneous ideas would be formed about that object.
Stages of the analytical method
To use the analytical method in research, it will have to be carried out systematically in a compulsory way through several stages that are:
This stage consists of an activity that is performed by living beings to detect and assimilate information. The term also refers to the recording of certain events through the use of instruments.
In this phase the essential thing is to define something giving a general idea of what has already been observed. The description is important as it provides useful information about what is being investigated, with as much detail as possible.
Critical examination
It is the process of see objectively what is being analyzed providing logical proposals in order to achieve a result that must be understandable in order to be interpreted clearly and concisely.
Segmentation of the phenomenon
It tries to decompose the parts of what is being analyzed in order to be able to visualize it from various points of view and angles that reveals in a certain way the possible problems that without the analysis it would not have been possible to realize.
Enumeration of the parties
It consists of the chronological and ordered exposition of the parts that make up the information.
Sorting and Classification
Organization of information by classes. This phase also includes the analysis of the information obtained, which has a space to expand performance in a clearer and more concise way. It consists of the real separation of the component elements of a whole.
Other people condense all these stages into three steps:
- Experimentation: It is carried out with a specialist or researcher who sets conditions to discover the fundamental characteristics and their essential relationships.
- Comment: This step is carried out before, during and after the investigation, that is, at all times.
- Measurement or deductive method: In this it relies more on the numbers in statistics through surveys, questionnaires or other instruments.
Example of an analytical method
When an individual suffers from an organ disease, it is necessary to study its cells and tissues to arrive at an answer based on various theories that are related to the problem.
- If it is, for example, singular facts or phenomenaWe will have to make use of observation, experience and induction.
- If it's about more or less general truths, reasoning and deduction are the ordinary way to reach them.
- If it is about objects and truths related to the fine arts, we must take into account the functions of the imagination.
If, on the contrary, it is a question of purely spiritual and intelligible objects, it will be convenient to dispense with the representations of the imagination, and to attend to the conceptions of pure reason.
Similarities in synthetic and analytical method
Although the word "analysis" is the complete opposite of "synthesis"As previously mentioned, both the analytical and synthetic methods tend to have many similarities in practice, which, if they are not clear, can lead to slight confusion.
- It is convenient to present the question and object to be investigated with precision and clarity, and to declare or define the hidden words. Thus speed up and the way is prepared to get to the knowledge of the object, and above all, questions of name are avoided.
- Attention should be fixed on the object to be known, setting it aside as much as possible from the other objects. The plurality of objects greatly weakens the intensity of attention with regard to each one in particular.
- The examination of a matter and the investigation of reality must begin with the most basic or the easiest things and known in advance. The natural procedure of the understanding in the investigation and discovery of the truth, it is a gradual and continuous process that naturally requires you to sequence from the easy to the difficult, from the known to the unknown.
- The instruments to get to know a fact must be in relation to the nature and conditions of the object to be known. This is the most important rule in this matter: the means and the ways to reach the truth are different, as are the classes of objects and situations.