In this article you are going to know the true power that the mind has over our body. You are going to know the case of a man who he died because they told him he had cancer. When he died and was autopsied, doctors discovered that he did not have terminal cancer. The doctor had erred in his diagnosis and the patient died because he really believed he had cancer.
With this example, I want you to be aware of the potential that our beliefs have to achieve what we want or to sink into psychological misery.
In 1974, an American named Sam Londe went to the doctor. The news they gave him was heartbreaking. They told him he had esophagus cancer. A type of cancer that at that time meant death in a short time.
As I have already told you, this man did not have such terminal cancer. However, his mind firmly believed that he was going to die in no time ... and it did.
This fact is known as the nocebo effect, that is, when they make you believe that you have something wrong and you become ill just because your mind firmly believes it and yet, nothing bad actually happens to you.
A simile can be found in voodoo, the evil eye and other supersteries that the only thing that is worth is for the person's mind to do everything possible to make life go wrong ... just because a sorcerer has told him that they have cast an evil eye.
The opposite is the Placebo effect. When you are sick and they make you believe that if you take a pill, which does not really have any medicine, you will be cured. And it turns out that it works, it turns out that the person is cured because it was believed that that false pill that they were given cured their disease.
What reading can we get from all this?
Clearly our thoughts determine our reality.
If you are able to think positively about everything that happens to you, life will be much better for you. Even if bad things happen to you. Think that they are not your fault or face problems as challenges, but never let your mind make you believe that you are the culprit or that everything is going wrong whatever you do.
I am not saying that you shirk your responsibilities for your wrongdoing. I'm just telling you to keep a strong and positive mind, a mind that truly believes it can meet any challenge in life.