+120 Buddhist phrases of love, happiness and positivity

Buddhism is a non-theistic doctrine that can be defined as a path of teachings, in which they allow oneself to transform and develop aspects such as wisdom and consciousness. Buddhism teaches us that life is changing and that we must make use of this knowledge to improve it; but for this, we mainly need to work the mind. Therefore, we have gathered a large number of Buddhist phrases in which they are characterized by calm, awareness and positive emotions.

The best Buddhist or Buddha phrases

  • "He who makes ditches controls the water, he who makes arrows makes them straight, the carpenter dominates the wood and the wise man dominates his mind." Dhammapada 6: 5
  • Compassion is not a religious matter, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential to our own peace and mental stability, it is essential to human survival. Dalai Lama
  • "Everything we are comes from our thoughts. With our thoughts we build the world. Speak or act with a pure mind and happiness will follow you like your own shadow, inseparable ”. Buddha Dhammapada.
  • Not even a god can turn the victory of one who has defeated himself into defeat.
  • "My teaching is only about suffering, and the transformation of suffering" - Buddha.
  • "Hate does not stop with hate, hate stops with Love. This is a very old law." - Buddha.
  • The fool who recognizes his foolishness is wise. But a fool who thinks he is wise is truly a fool.
  • "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts cunning, pain follows. If you do it with a pure thought, happiness follows you like a shadow that never leaves you. "
  • "It is the mind of a man, not his friends or enemies, that leads him down the paths of evil."
  • “Most human beings are like leaves that fall from trees, that fly and flutter through the air, waver and finally fall to the ground. Others, on the contrary, are almost like stars; they follow their fixed path, no wind reaches them, because they carry within them their law and their goal ”-SIDHARTA
  • Like beautiful flowers, with color, but without aroma, they are the sweet words for those who do not act in accordance with them.
  • Nobody saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one should. We ourselves must walk the path. - Buddha.
  • There are only two mistakes one can make along the path of truth; not to go to the end, and not to go towards it. - Buddha.
  • Reflection is the path to immortality (nirvana); the lack of reflection, the road to death.
  • "Master your words, master your thoughts, do not harm anyone. Follow these indications faithfully and you will advance in the path of the wise. " Dhammapada 20: 9
  • “There are two things, oh disciple, that should be avoided: A life of pleasures; that is low and vain. A life of mortifications; that is useless and vain ”. -Sidartha Gautama.
  • Wake up! Never be negligent. Follow the law of virtue. He who practices virtue lives happily in this world and in the next. Dhammapada (V168)
  • "The greatest victory is that which is won over oneself" - Buddha.
  • "Truly we live happily, if we keep from afflicting those who afflict us, yes, living among men who afflict us, we refrain from afflicting ourselves." Dhammapada
  • "Just as a candle does not shine without fire, man cannot exist without a spiritual life."

  • Don't hurt others with what causes yourself pain. - Buddha.
  • A student, full of emotion and tears, implored, "Why is there so much suffering?" Suzuki Roshi replied: "There is no reason." Shunryu suzuki
  • The most virtue is pursued by the wicked is to be loved by the good. - Buddha.
  • Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.
  • "No matter how small a wish, it keeps you tied, like a calf to a cow." Dhammapada 20:12
  • "What we think we become."
  • “If you want to know the past, then look at your present which is the result. If you want to know your future look at your present which is the cause ”-— Buddha.
  • "Do not occupy the mind with foolishness and do not waste time in vain things" -Buddha
  • "As a solid rock does not move with the wind, so the sage remains unperturbed by slander and flattery" - Buddha. Chapter VI Dhammapada
  • "Better than a thousand empty words, one word that brings peace."
  • The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha.
  • Today I have been lucky, I have awakened and I am alive. I have this valuable life and I will not waste it.
  • I do not believe in a destiny that falls on men, even if they act for it; But I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they don't act. - Buddha.
  • Whatever words we speak, they must be chosen carefully for the people who will listen to them, as they will influence them for better or for worse. - Buddha.
  • Peace comes from within. Don't look outside. - Buddha.
  • “Just as fresh milk does not turn sour all of a sudden, neither do the fruits of bad deeds come suddenly. His malice remains hidden, like fire among the embers. " Dhammapada 5:12
  • Be your own lamps. Be shelters from yourselves. Hold on to the truth like a lamp. Hold on to the truth as a refuge ”- Buddha.
  • “The man who is afraid seeks refuge in the mountains, in the sacred forests or in the Temples. However, in such shelters they are useless, because wherever he goes, his passions and his sufferings will accompany him. " Dhammapada
  • Don't waste time, don't try to change anyone. You cannot even change the people you love… You can only change yourself ”- Buddha.
  • Five things to do before getting out of bed: say thank you for a new day, think about your intentions for the day, take five deep breaths, smile for no reason, and forgive yourself for the mistakes you made yesterday.

  • Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at another person; it is oneself that is burned. - Buddha.
  • "Do not commit any sin, do good and purify your own mind, such is the teaching of everyone who is awake." Dhammapada
  • Hatred does not diminish with hatred. Hate decreases with love.
  • “To have good health, find true happiness in the family, and bring peace to all, man must first control his own mind. If he succeeds, he will have reached enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. "
  • "You deserve your love and affection."
  • "All wrongdoing comes from the mind. If the mind changes, how could those acts remain? "
  • "Do not hurt others with what causes yourself pain" - Buddha.
  • "Peace comes from within, do not look for it outside."
  • Take care of the exterior as much as the interior, because everything is one.
  • “Do not overestimate what you have received, or envy others, he who envies has no peace.
  • “The man who does evil suffers in this world and suffers in the other. He suffers and regrets seeing all the damage he has done. However, the man who does good is happy in this world and also in the other. In both worlds he rejoices, seeing all the good he has done. " Dhammapada 1: 15-16
  • By advancing these three steps, you will get closer to the gods: First: Speak truthfully. Second: Do not let yourself be dominated by anger. Third: Give, even if you only have very little to give ”. - Buddha.
  • Long is the night for those who lie awake; Long is the mile for the one who is weary; Life is long for the fool who does not know the true law.
  • Vigilance and lucidity are the paths of immortality. Those who watch do not die. Neglect is the path of death. The negligent are as if they are already dead ”. - Buddha.
  • “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts. Neither your father, nor your mother, nor your dearest friend, can help you as much as your own disciplined mind. " Dhammapada 3: 10-11
  • “Why do things that you will later have to regret? It is not necessary to live with so many tears. Do only what is right, that which you do not have to regret, that whose sweet fruits you will reap with joy. " Dhammapada 5: 8-9
  • Better to wear slippers than to carpet the world.
  • “He who does not make an effort when it is time to make an effort; the one who, still young and strong, is indolent; he who is low in mind and thought, and lazy, that vagrant never finds the Path to wisdom. " Dhammapada. - Buddha.
  • “Our thoughts shape us. Those with minds free from selfish thoughts produce joy when they speak or act. Happiness follows them like a shadow. "
  • "All the states find their origin in the mind. The mind is their foundation and they are creations of the mind. If one speaks or acts with an impure thought, then suffering follows him in the same way that the wheel follows the hoof of the ox… All states find their origin in the mind. The mind is their foundation and they are creations of the mind. If one speaks or acts with a pure thought, then happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him ”. The Dhammapada

  • “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one should. We ourselves must walk the road. " - Buddha.
  • Your purpose in life is to find a purpose, and give it all your heart
  • "Enjoy watching, take care of your own mind, get yourself out of the way of misery, as is done with the elephant that has gotten into the mud." Dhammapada 23: 8
  • If you want to learn, teach. If you need inspiration, motivate others. If you are sad, cheer someone up.
  • "There are only two mistakes that are made on the way to the truth: not starting, and not going all the way."
  • How wonderful it would be if people did their best for another without asking for anything in return. One should never remember a charity done, nor ever forget a favor received. Kentetsu Takamori
  • All that we are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts and it is made of our thoughts.
  • “Make haste to do good; restrain your mind towards evil, for whoever is slow to do good takes pleasure in evil ”Dhammapada Cap. 9
  • Being inactive is the short way to death, being diligent is a way of life; foolish people are inactive, wise men are diligent. - Buddha.
  • Give even if you have very little to give.
  • "There are three things that cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon, and the truth."
  • “We are what we think, everything we are rises with our thoughts. With them, we create the world. "
  • "There is no fire like passion: there is no evil like hatred" - Buddha.
  • If you can't find anyone to support you on your journey, walk alone. Immature people are not good company.
  • “I don't believe in a destiny for men regardless of how they act; I believe their destiny will reach them unless they act. "
  • To understand everything, it is necessary to forget everything
  • Vigilance is the path to immortality, negligence is the path to death. Those who remain vigilant never die, the negligent are as if they are already dead. " Dhammapada 2: 1
  • Suffering generally refers to wanting things to be different the way they are. Allan lokos
  • If you can appreciate the miracle that a single flower contains, your whole life will change
  • “Holding a grudge is like holding a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; it is one who burns. "
  • "When one is freed from the taste for evil, when he is calm and finds pleasure in good teachings, when these feelings are felt and appreciated, then he is freed from fear."
  • “Don't try to trade your duty for someone else's, or neglect your job to do someone else's. No matter how noble it may be. You are here to discover your own path and give yourself to it body and soul. " Dhammapada 12:10
  • “Of easy execution they are the noxious and harmful things. Good and beneficial is truly difficult to do ”Dhammapada. - Buddha.
  • By advancing these three steps, you will get closer to the gods: First: Speak truthfully. Second: Do not allow yourself to be dominated by anger. Third: Give, even if you have only very little to give.
  • “Wise are those who dominate the body, the word and the mind. They are the true Masters. " Dhammapada 17:14
  • "To live a detached life, one must not feel owner of anything in the midst of abundance."
  • "The true seeker does not identify himself with the name or with the form, he does not lament for what he does not have or for what could have been." Dhammapada 25: 8
  • “Like a beautiful flower, full of color but without perfume, so is the beautiful word of the one who does not act according to it sterile. Like a beautiful flower, full of color and perfume, thus the beautiful word of the one who acts according to it is fruitful ”. Dhammapada
  • Happiness will never come to those who do not appreciate what they already have.
  • "Don't live in the past, don't imagine the future, focus your mind on the present moment."
  • "Death is not feared, if it has been lived wisely."
  • “A thoughtless mind is a poor roof. Rain of passion will flood the house. But just as rain cannot penetrate a strong roof, neither can passions penetrate an orderly mind. " Dhammapada 1: 13-14
  • "Like the traveler who, upon returning from a long journey, is received by his family and friends, in the same way the good works done in this life will receive us in the next, with the joy of two friends who meet again." Dhammapada 16: 11-12
  • You cannot travel the path until you become the path itself.
  • “Just as you guard a border town, guard yourself, inside and out. Do not stop watching for a moment, if you do not want the darkness to defeat you. " Dhammapada 22:10.
  • We should live each day like people who have just been rescued from a shipwreck.
  • "As the rain penetrates a house with a bad roof, so desire penetrates the poorly trained heart" - Buddha
  • Learning to let go must be learned before learning to achieve. Life must be touched, not strangled. You have to relax, let it happen, the rest moves with it. Ray Bradbury
  • There is no fire like passion: there is no evil like hatred.
  • "The fool who recognizes his foolishness is wise. But a fool who thinks he is wise is truly a fool. " - Buddha.
  • You can search the entire universe for someone who deserves your love and affection more than yourself, and that person will not be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your own love and affection. - Buddha.
  • To live a selfless and pure life, you do not have to count on anything as your own in the midst of abundance. - Buddha.
  • "Rejoice because every place is here and every moment is now" - Buddha.
  • A jug is filled drop by drop. - Buddha.
  • Don't let the trees prevent you from seeing the forest.
  • To teach others, first you have to do something very hard: you have to straighten yourself out.
  • Not even your worst enemy can harm you as much as your own thoughts.
  • "The main goal is the intimate self-realization of the Being, it should not be neglected by the secondary goals, and the best service that can be done to others is the liberation of oneself" - BUDDHA.
  • "Do not offend others as you do not want to be offended" (Udanavarga 5:18)
  • "Holding onto hate is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die." - Buddha.
  • Wherever you are, you are one with the clouds and one with the sun and stars you see. You are one with everything. This is truer than I can tell, and truer than you can hear. Shunryu suzuki
  • “The Tares damages the fields, as Greed damages Humanity. Therefore, the one who gets rid of Greed, produces abundant fruits ”. Dhammapada
  • "No one will punish you for your anger, your anger will take care of punishing you."
  • The heart is the important thing. There is nothing more vulnerable, nothing more corruptible than the human mind; nor is there anything so powerful, firm, and ennobling as the heart. Daisaku ikeda
  • "In truth, we live happily if we do not hate those who hate us, if among men who hate us we live free of resentment." - Buddha. DHAMMAPADA
  • Few of the men reach the other shore; most of it runs up and down on these beaches.
  • "Take care of the exterior as well as the interior, because everything is one" - Buddha.
  • Walk as if you are kissing the ground with your feet. Thich Nhat
  • No one will punish you for your anger; he will be the one in charge of punishing you
  • It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory will be yours. They will not be able to take it from you, neither angels nor demons, heaven or hell. - Buddha.

We hope that these Buddhist phrases have been to your liking. Remember that Buddhism can be practiced by anyone who is interested in it, as people have complete freedom. Also, many people can use the practices of Buddhism to develop their minds or improve their lives without needing to become Buddhists.

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