+215 Wise phrases for reflection

En Recursos de Autoayuda We have collected a large number of phrases of all kinds. Today is the turn of wise phrases, which make us reflect on life and many other aspects of our daily lives. Since we know our readers, we wanted to bring you the longest list so you don't have to look anywhere else.

Reflect with these wise phrases

If you were looking for wisdom phrases to add statuses of applications such as WhatsApp in your publications on social networks, create reflective images or whatever the reason may have been; we are sure that you will love this compilation. Then you can read them and choose your favorites, as well as share the images that we have created with some of the ones we liked the most.

  • Thought is the seed of action. - Emerson.
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci.
  • It is useless for man to lament the times in which he lives. The only good thing you can do is try to improve them. - Thomas Carlyle.
  • The secret of life, however, is to fall seven times and get up eight times. - Paulo Coelho.
  • The first step of ignorance is to boast of knowing. - Baltasar Gracián.
  • Interesting questions are those that destroy the answers. - Susan Sontag.
  • With pride comes reproach; with humility, wisdom. - Biblical proverbs.
  • What's the point of running when we're on the wrong road— - German proverb
  • He who seeks to ensure the welfare of others, already has his own insured. - Confucius.
  • I am the wisest man alive, because I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. -Socrates.
  • He who knows all the answers has not asked all the questions. - Confucius.
  • Always do the right thing. You will please some and amaze the rest. - Mark Twain.
  • True love is born out of difficult times. - John Green.
  • Beware of false knowledge; they are more dangerous than ignorance. - George Bernard Shaw.
  • Protect me from the wisdom that doesn't cry, from the philosophy that doesn't laugh, and from the greatness that doesn't bow down to children. - Khalil Gibran.
  • Knowledge comes, but wisdom endures. - Alfred Lord Tennyson.
  • Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov.
  • A wise man will create more opportunities than he finds. - Francis Bacon.
  • There is often more to learn from a boy's unexpected questions than a man's speeches. - John Locke.
  • Forgiveness is an absolute necessity for the continuation of human existence. - Desmond Tutu.

  • An unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates
  • To do two things at the same time is to do neither of them. - Publilius Syrus.
  • Never complain without giving explanations. Resist the urge to defend yourself through excuses. - Brian Tracy.
  • Every man is sincere alone; as soon as a second person appears, hypocrisy begins. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  • Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. - Jimi Hendrix.
  • Pray, but don't stop rowing to shore. - Russian proverb.
  • Talent hits a target no one else can hit; the genie hits a target that no one else can see. - Schopenhauer.
  • To err is human, but it is even more so to blame others for it. - Baltasar Gracián.
  • Self-respect is, after religion, the main brake on vices. - Francis Bacon.
  • Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. - Jacques Rousseau.
  • Any religion or philosophy that is not based on respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy. - Albert Schweitzer.
  • In love, the least of it is insults; the serious thing is when the yawns begin. - Enrique Jardiel Poncela.
  • Love and do what you want. If you are silent, you will be silent with love; if you scream, you will scream with love; If you correct, you will correct with love, if you forgive, you will forgive with love. - San Agustin.
  • Nurture your mind with great thoughts. - Benjamin Disraeli.
  • Those that drive and drag the world are not machines, but ideas. - Victor Hugo.
  • When you can't do what you want, you have to want what you can. - Terence.
  • The only disability in life is a bad attitude. - Scott Hamilton.
  • To be surprised, to be surprised, is to begin to understand. - Ortega y Gasset.
  • You cannot untie a knot without knowing how it is made. - Aristotle.
  • Friends often become thieves of our time. - Plato.

  • So that power cannot be abused, power must stop power. - Montesquieu.
  • If you close the door to all errors, the truth will also be left out. - Rabindranath Tagore.
  • Study the past if you want to guess the future. - Confucius.
  • The luck favors only the prepared mind. - Isaac Asimov.
  • It is better to acquire wisdom than gold; it is better to acquire intelligence than silver. - Biblical proverb.
  • Do not speak ill of the bridge until you have crossed the river. - Proverb
  • There are those who give with joy and that joy is their reward. - Khalil Gibran.
  • We know more than we do. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  • If you add a little to a little and do so often, it will soon become a lot. - Hesiod.
  • The wise man can change his mind. The fool, never. - Immanuel Kant.
  • A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. - Confucius.
  • Not even the king would eat ... if the farmer did not till. - Lope de Vega.
  • Turn your wounds upside down and exchange them for wisdom. - Oprah Winfrey.
  • It is never late for repentance and reparation. - Charles Dickens.
  • If you approach every situation as a matter of life and death, you will die many times. - Adam Smith.
  • I would never die for my beliefs because I could be wrong. - Bertrand Russell.
  • It is the only good there is in life. - George Sand.
  • Life is very dangerous. Not for the people who do evil, but for those who sit down to see what happens. - Albert Einstein.
  • He who is patient shows great discernment; he who is aggressive shows much folly. - Biblical proverbs.
  • All truths are easy to understand once discovered; the point is to discover them. -Galileo Galilei.

  • Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. —Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • Certainly ignorance of the evils to come is more useful to us than their knowledge. - Cicero.
  • The man who thinks only of living does not live - Socrates.
  • If a man ever challenged me, I would gently and mercifully lead him by the hand to a quiet place and then kill him. - Mark Twain.
  • Many of the vital failures are from people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas A. Edison.
  • Living without philosophizing is, properly, having your eyes closed, without ever trying to open them. - Rene Descartes.
  • The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the candles. - William George Ward.
  • In general, nine-tenths of our happiness is based on health. - Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • The only advantage of playing with fire is that you learn not to burn yourself. - Oscar Wilde.
  • In the absence of forgiveness, let forgetfulness come. - Alfred de Musset.
  • Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves. - Carl Jung.
  • The true gentleman is the one who only preaches what he practices. - Confucius.
  • Risks must be taken because the greatest danger in life is not risking anything. - Leo Buscaglia.
  • Life is inherently risky. There is only one major risk that you should avoid, and that is the risk of doing nothing. - Denis Waitley.
  • We are what we do repeatedly. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle.
  • Never let your sense of morality get in the way of doing what is right. - Isaac Asimov.
  • Since nothing is more beautiful than knowing the truth, nothing is more shameful than approving the lie and taking it for the truth. - Cicero.
  • All the battles in life serve to teach us something, even those we lose. - Paulo Coelho.
  • Self-knowledge does not require isolation, but it does require enough time with yourself. - Rafael Vídac

  • Those who dream during the day are aware of many things that escape those who dream only at night. - Edgar Allan Poe.
  • He who dominates others is strong; Which dominates so it is powerful. - Lao Tse.
  • In an age of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - George Orwell.
  • Man is the measure of all things. - Protagoras.
  • Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. - Lou Holtz.
  • Experience is something you don't get until right after you need it. - Sir Laurence Olivier.
  • Buy only what is necessary, not what is convenient. The unnecessary, even if it costs a single penny, is expensive. - Seneca.
  • We do not need new continents, but new people. - Julio Verne.
  • You do not progress by improving what has already been done, but by striving to achieve what still needs to be done. - Khalil Gibran.
  • Envy is a declaration of inferiority. - Napoleon.
  • You have to feel the thought and think the feeling. - Miguel de Unamuno.
  • It is not what happens to you, but how you react that matters. - Epithet.
  • I can't teach anyone anything. I can only make you think. - Socrates.
  • Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. - Mark Twain.
  • The wise man knows that he is ignorant. - Confucius.
  • Freedom is in owning your own life. - Plato.
  • When a battle is lost, retreat remains; only those who have fled can fight in another. - Demosthenes.
  • It is better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than to open it and dispel doubt. - Mark Twain.
  • Five minutes are enough to dream a lifetime, that's how relative time is - Mario Benedetti.
  • He who learns and learns and does not practice what he knows is like one who plows and plows and does not sow. - Plato.
  • Prefer, among friends, not only those who are saddened by the news of any misfortune of yours, but even more to those who in your prosperity do not envy you - Socrates.

  • Men who do not forgive women for their little flaws will never enjoy their great virtues. - Khalil Gibran.
  • Thinking twice is enough. - Confucius.
  • The only way to regenerate the world is for each one to fulfill his or her duty - Charles Kingsley
  • He who restrains his tongue protects his life, but the light of lips causes his ruin. - Biblical proverbs.
  • It is not a sign of good health to be well adapted to a deeply ill society. — Jiddu Krishnamurti.
  • Common men only think about how to pass the time. An intelligent man tries to take advantage of it. - Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • There is only one good: knowledge. There is only one evil, ignorance. - Socrates.
  • Who does not want to think is a fanatic; who cannot think is an idiot; who does not dare to think is a coward. - Sir Francis Bacon.
  • A friend of all is a friend of no one. - Aristotle.
  • Hope is, indeed, the worst of evils, because it prolongs the tortures of men. - Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • It is in the brain and only in the brain that the great events of the world take place. Oscar Wilde.
  • The malicious truth is worse than the lie. - William Blake.
  • The fool does not think he is wise, but the wise man knows that he is a fool. - William Shakespeare
  • The man who is not capable of fighting for freedom is not a man, he is a servant. - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
  • When we fight with someone who has nothing to lose, we fight at a great disadvantage. - Francesco Guicciardini.
  • Do not accept the habitual as a natural thing because in times of bloody disorder, of organized confusion, of conscious arbitrariness, of dehumanized humanity, nothing should seem impossible to change. - Bertolt Brecht.
  • From listening comes wisdom, and from speaking repentance. - Italian proverb
  • Be strong so that nobody defeats you, noble so that nobody humiliates you, and yourself so that nobody forget you. - Paulo Coelho.
  • The oldest of the old comes from behind into our thinking, and yet it is ahead of us. That is why thinking stops at the appearance of what was, and is memory. - Martin Heidegger.
  • Often the greats are unknown or worse, poorly known. - Thomas Carlyle.

  • Nobody is honored for what they have received; recognition is a reward for something that is given. - Calvin Coolidge.
  • Life is very simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius.
  • The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. - Albert Einstein
  • Walk the path that leads to your friend's garden often, lest the undergrowth prevent you from seeing the path. - Indian proverb
  • He who reads a lot and walks a lot, sees a lot and knows a lot. - Miguel de Cervantes.
  • We do not know what happens to us and that is precisely what happens to us. - Ortega y Gasset.
  • The measure of love is to love without measure. - San Agustin.
  • Pride divides men, humility unites them. - Socrates.
  • The wise in heart obey orders, but the grumbling fool is on his way to disaster. - Biblical proverbs.
  • The surest way to prevent revolutions is to avoid the causes. - Francis Bacon.
  • We rarely think about what we have; but always in what we lack. - Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much, there will be nothing else you can give and no one to take care of you. - Karl Lagerfeld.
  • Let your sleep be moderate; that he who does not get up early with the sun, does not enjoy the day. - Miguel de Cervantes.
  • The only man who is never wrong is the one who never does anything. - Theodore Roosevelt.
  • If your brother offends you, remember not so much his wrongdoing, but more than ever that he is your brother. - Epithet.
  • Vices come as passengers, visit us as guests, and remain as masters. - Confucius.
  • Any fool can know. The key is to understand. - Albert Einstein
  • In spite of itself, force must sometimes bow to wisdom. - Rick Riordan.
  • I know what you want to look like. - Socrates
  • Think before you talk. Read before you think. - Fran Lebowitz

  • Forgiveness takes time, easy forgiveness is suspect. - Walter Risso.
  • If everyone swept in front of his door, how clean would the city be! - Russian proverb.
  • Do not think. Thought is the enemy of creativity. […] Just dedicate yourself to doing things. - Ray Bradbury.
  • If what you are going to say is not more beautiful than silence: don't say it. - Arabic proverb
  • It is necessary to learn what we need and not just what we want. - Paulo Coelho.
  • A man who does not think for himself does not think at all. - Oscar Wilde.
  • A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than a lot of inactive knowledge. - Khalil Gibran.
  • Talent is given. Be humble. Fame is given. Be grateful. The deceptions are self-determined. Be careful. - John Wooden.
  • A promise made is an unpaid debt. - Robert W. Service
  • All pain is severe or mild. If it is mild, it is easily borne. If it is severe, it will certainly be brief. - Cicero.
  • He who seeks the truth runs the risk of finding it. - Isabel Allende.
  • A worrying day is more exhausting than a work week. - John Lubbock
  • Half of looking smart is keeping your mouth shut at the right time. - Patrick Rothfuss.
  • Whoever fights with monsters should take care to turn into a monster. When you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you - Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it. - Voltaire.
  • Let no one take you low enough to hate it. - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • If the seed is sown in faith and cared for with perseverance, it will only be a matter of time to harvest its fruits. - Thomas Carlyle.
  • Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Take care of your words, because they will become your actions. Take care of your actions, because they will become your habits. Take care of your habits, because they will become your destiny. - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Knowing what is fair and not doing it is the worst of cowardice. - Confucius.
  • The worst fight is the one that is not done. - Karl Marx.

  • The wise man must be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends. - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • There is nothing good or bad; it is human thought that makes it appear that way. - William Shakespeare
  • Worrying is stupid, it's like walking with an umbrella waiting for rain. - Wiz Khalifa.
  • No one can do good in one area of ​​his life, while doing harm in another. Life is an indivisible whole. - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Happiness is not doing what you want but wanting what you do. - Jean Paul Sartre.
  • Do not worry so much about what happens around you, worry more about what happens inside you. - Mary Frances Winter.
  • I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone. — Bill Cosby.
  • Leisure is the mother of philosophy. - Thomas Hobbes.
  • The superior man always thinks in virtue; the common man always thinks of comfort. - Confucius.
  • The Earth is not an inheritance from our parents, but a loan from our children. - Indian proverb.
  • There are no roads to peace; The peace is the way. - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Very little is needed to make a happy life; it's all inside us, in our way of thinking. - Marco Aurelio.
  • Every man has the right to doubt his task and to abandon it from time to time; the only thing he cannot do is forget her. - Paulo Coelho.
  • Poverty does not come from the diminution of wealth, but from the multiplication of desires. - Plato.
  • The truth of a man resides, above all, in what is silent. - André Malraux.
  • When it is evident that the objectives cannot be reached, do not adjust the objectives, adjust the steps. - Confucius
  • The desire to reach the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach the heart is wise. - Maya Angelou
  • The greatest declaration of love is the one that is not made; The man that feels a lot, speaks little. - Plato.
  • Live as if you will die tomorrow; learn as if the world will last forever. - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • The mind once enlightened cannot go back to darkness. - Thomas Paine.

  • There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity, and atomic energy: the will. - Albert Einstein.
  • The eyes are of no use to a blind brain. - Arabic proverb
  • The worst prison is a closed heart. - John Paul II.
  • Build your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs. - Farrah Gray.
  • Always tell the truth, so you don't have to remember what you said. - Mark Twain.
  • The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. - William James.
  • Wise— No, I just learned to think. - Christopher Paolini.
  • Where one door closes, another opens. - Miguel de Cervantes.
  • An eye for an eye and the world will go blind. - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Live is think. - Cicero.
  • Whoever wants to interest others has to provoke them. - Salvador Dali.
  • What drowns someone is not falling into the river, but staying submerged in it. - Paulo Coelho.
  • The worst thing that can happen to a man is to think badly of himself. - Goethe.
  • Friendships that are true no one can disturb them. - Miguel de Cervantes.
  • Happiness is when what you think, say and do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • He who does not wear his morality but as if it were his best clothes, would be better off naked. - Khalil Gibran.
  • I'm not young enough to know everything. - JM Barrie.
  • The way to govern well is to employ honest men, even if they are enemies. - Simon Bolivar.

  • The joy of life is always having something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. - Thomas Chalmers.
  • He who is silent cannot speak does not know. - Seneca.
  • Life is nice. Death is peaceful. It is the transition that is problematic. - Isaac Asimov.
  • Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to commit them all. - Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • The key to success is risking unconventional thinking. The convention is the enemy of progress. - Trevor Baylis.
  • It is difficult to have everyone as friends; it is enough not to have them as enemies. - Seneca.
  • Whoever suffers for truth and justice, that is my friend. - Eugenio María de Hostos.
  • Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the goal and end of human existence. - Aristotle.
  • You don't write your life with words ... you write it with actions. The only important thing is what it does. —Patrick Ness
  • Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. - Satchel Paige
  • Common sense, to an unusual degree, is what the world calls wisdom. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
  • Parents can only give good advice or put it on the path of good, but the formation of a person's character resides in himself. - Anne Frank.
  • There is no favorable wind for those who do not know which port they are going to. - Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • You have to learn the rules of the game first, and then play better than anyone else. - Albert Einstein.
  • Love is the strongest of all passions, for simultaneously attacking the head, the heart and the senses. "Lao Tzu."
  • Here a man is the one who has women and a life of storm, without knowing which man is the one who has one and keeps her happy. - Ricardo Arjona.
  • If you want to change the world, change yourself. - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • So far we come with the compilation of wise phrases. We hope they have been to your liking and that they helped you achieve what you wanted. In our case, they are ideal for reflecting on life and all the aspects that comprise it. If we have forgotten a phrase and you would like to share it, do not forget to leave a comment in the corresponding box.

So far we come with the compilation of wise phrases. We hope they have been to your liking and that they helped you achieve what you wanted. In our case, they are ideal for reflecting on life and all the aspects that comprise it. If we have forgotten a phrase and you would like to share it, do not forget to leave a comment in the corresponding box.

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