The 10 best poems of modernism

If you are one of the people who love poems of modernism or poetry in general, this compilation with the best is going to appeal to you.

The 68 Most Recommended Books To Read

I have gone through several websites in English to make a list that does not disappoint. If you think that an essential title is missing, leave us your comment.

creative writing

Which are your favorite books?

It occurred to me to create this post so that you can leave in the comments which are your favorite books. I hope that many of you are encouraged to answer.

waiting for happiness

"Waiting for Happiness" by Simon Coen

We are in the middle of summer, a time of fun and reading. On this occasion I recommend the latest book by Simon Coen entitled "Waiting for happiness."


Books that have changed your life

A book that comes to you at the right time can change your life, it is like a person. Let's talk about this, about books that have changed your life.

Smile or die

Smile or die

Video that summarizes the position of the writer of the book "Smile or die" on positive thinking.

Are Self-Help Books Helpful?

               ………………………. SILVIA PUJOL Psychologist MÀRIUS SERRA Writer and literary critic JOHN DEMARTINI Author…

10 Books on Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is the modern holy grail, it is what every man aspires to and for many ...

Read 180 books a year

Would you like to read 180 books a year? In this article I show you the habit that I have incorporated to achieve ...