reading habits

How to develop better reading habits

In a world where people often turn to video games, the Internet, and television for entertainment, developing good reading habits is becoming increasingly important.

14 things freelancers don't do

Having an independent personality is an unmistakable sign of maturity. In this article we have compiled 14 personality traits ...

why do we judge others

Why do we judge others?

Most of us give ourselves the right to judge and have an opinion on how others should think, ...

motivation to study

Motivation to study hard: 9 tips

This article also includes a VIDEO that will fully recharge your batteries before studying. The objective is that studying does not become something heavy.

Love Letter

A love letter to myself

Dear me, We have known each other since you have a conscience. No one knows better than me how you are and how you feel in ...

The energy is in you

This week I was very amused by an ad for vitamins for teachers. According to the slogan, “They activate you when…

8 myths about creativity

Being creative is probably one of the hardest things to achieve in life. Creativity often comes ...

6 ways to empower your mind

Before seeing these 6 ways to empower your mind, let me put you this chapter of the Networks program entitled ...

The 7 Habits of Genuine People

Surely you would like to be a genuine, authentic person, with personality. It is true that the education received plays a role ...

How to combat laziness?

Laziness is resistance to effort, it is a state of passivity in which it is intended to leave things ...


The beginning of the road to success in 5 steps

When we begin to live, we do not have a manual. There is nothing that teaches us to be functional and to be successful in an environment and society that sometimes paralyzes, puts us through tests or obstacles. However, there are ways you can face life and be successful, if you really want to.

Incredible example of overcoming and perseverance

Here is the story of an American boy who suffered depression and abuse at school (bullying). He was the typical boy who is made fun of at school, however he shows us how with effort and perseverance they can turn the tables.


«EL Buñuelo» lost 183 kilos

Rob Gillett, nicknamed "The Human Donut," was morbidly obese, sleep apnea, and had already had a mini-stroke. In 17 months he lost 179 kilos

Good boss

How to be a good boss to employees

I propose a small self-evaluation test, and I assure you that when it is finished you will know if your behavior resembles that of a good boss for your employees.

importance of English

The importance of English today

We are becoming aware of how important it is to learn other languages, and especially one of the main languages ​​that it is recommended to study is English.


Mindfulness to improve leadership

A conscientious leader (with full attention to most of his work situations) can respond to changes with the necessary focus and clarity.

How to be a good friend: 10 tips to keep in mind

When we are young, we do not see it necessary to have a best friend since, we will have the feeling that we have many of them. When we mature, however this happens, the nature of friendship relationships change

tame the wild side

Five ways to tame your wild side

If you act spontaneously over and over again, and then wish you hadn't, you may be one of those people who needs to find a way to calm down and think before acting.

happy 2013

2013 Happy!

We are at the threshold of a new year. Thousands of new purposes and desires crowd our minds.

The need to train the mind

We should be concerned with training our mind as we do with our body. Today I bring you an excerpt from the Rede program that talks about all this.

The power of a hug

The power of a hug

A hug can break down barriers that words sometimes can't. A hug is a close bond that ...

Obama's charisma

Barack Obama has clearly had an advantage when it comes to that magical quality known as charisma. President Obama…

Little ones don't need screens

Simple, unstructured materials are even better than television, computers, and consoles at promoting brain development in children

(Re) live fully in times of crisis

An article that shows us how we can revive in times of crisis, whether economic or spiritual. I am attaching a video with a recommended book for this topic.

Mindfulness for cancer patients

Discover how the practice of Mindfulness is beneficial for cancer patients and the studies that support this statement. Includes Mindfulness video.

a bridge of love

My mother is losing her sight and no longer sees the dirt on the kitchen floor. In its…

Discover your motivations

Knowing what motivates us, helps us to set our goals Motivation is what allows us to discover and set the ...

Praise of the mistake

We are "doomed" to be wrong. Learning from the mistakes that we have not been able to avoid making is the smartest position to ...

The magic of starting

Projects fill life with meaning. The human being is restless by nature. You need a bit of routine, the ...

Idea to fight laziness

Referring to the image that illustrates this post, I have to say that I am not lazy 😉 Now let's get started ...

Motivation for teamwork

Here are some quotes that come in handy as motivation for teamwork: Stephen Covey: «The force ...

Never say I cant"

Many times the barriers are not on the outside but on ourselves. The goal may be difficult but ...

How to improve your mind: 8 tips

Are you looking for a way to improve your mind? Do you want to increase your mental capacity to achieve what you want? Follow these 8 ...

Self acceptance

I write a query: «They say that people who find themselves ugly must love themselves so that others ...

Personal development exercises

I'm going to leave you a list of 9 exercises or activities that will improve your personal development. You will only get positive results ...

Decision-making programs

Correct decision making is a key element on the path to personal and professional success, even more ...

How to be lucky in life

If you are wondering how to be lucky in life I am going to recommend you a book and I am going to ...

Hard work vs Inspiration

I love reading the memoirs of people who have done great things: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Page, Marck Zuckerbeg ...

Discover your ideal self

Photo Welcome to this third task of the challenge of "being a better person" that I am taking on in August. You can see…

Building your life

There was once a great carpenter who was about to retire and so he communicated it to the contractor with ...

5 manipulative strategies

People sometimes do not understand each other and use tricks or strategies to try to enforce our position. It is…

15 essential tips for my kids

Parents will never stop giving advice to our children. Choose a series of essential tips that you would give to your ...

Make perseverance your best value

What does perseverance mean? [See Video about perseverance at the end of the article]. 1) Perseverance is a value that integrates ...

How to achieve big goals

How many goals have you set for yourself in your life? How many have you got? How many have stayed on the road? What is it…

Is personal development for me?

Image: Egongade Personal development can bring you multiple benefits, but do you have the necessary mentality to embark on this adventure? ...

7 guidelines to be consistent

Hello, I want to share with you some of the guidelines that you can follow to have more constancy in life. With this…

Lying on my deathbed

Sooner or later we will all have to go to bed in what they call "the bed of death." It will be moments ...

Things I learned in 2.010

Image: 1) Life flies by and I have to know how to take advantage of (value) the present. It seems like a cliché but ...

45 resolutions for 2.011

A new year is approaching, it is felt in the atmosphere. I have high hopes for 2.011. And you? How do you face ...

how do others see you?

Have you ever wondered what people feel when you are in front of you? If one of your friends, acquaintances or family were ...

Success Phrases

70 Success Phrases 1) Flourish freely: this is my definition of success. (Gerry Spence) 2) Success is like ...

Be 100% honest

I propose a challenge for today, if you dare you can extend it in time: tell the truth ...

We always want more time

We all want more time. This insatiable thirst is very common in people, an ambition that in many cases is ...

Share your thoughts by writing

Do you know how important it is to share your thoughts, ideas, opinions ... with others? It is a way to let off steam, to interact ...

Failure is part of life

How many failures have you reaped in your life? A lots of? Few? None? I don't believe this last answer. I tell you one ...

Sitting in life: Waiting

It seems that we are all waiting for something so that we can move on in life: “Waiting to earn more money sooner…

How to be great in life

This article describes the characteristics of becoming a hero. We are talking about heroism. Greatness. That something special that I know ...

How to be a good boss

A study has shown that bosses who consider themselves incompetent have a higher ...


34 items for success

I present you 34 articles that will help you achieve success in your life. Many of them include videos that ...

5 thinking skills

Our head, mind, is a thought factory. Discover what are the skills of thinking to change your ...

Self esteem and Bach flowers

When we talk about self-esteem, we almost always refer to the value we make of ourselves. We are very aware of your ...

Phrases for self-esteem

Here is a compilation of phrases to increase self-esteem: 1) «Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire from ourselves ...

Students bet on their success

An online gambling venue allows Pennsylvania and New York college students to place bets on the notes that go ...

We are unique

The individuality of each person Take advantage of your time in things that are worthwhile. Invest as much time as possible ...

I present my daily routine

A change in your routine is not good It can undermine your personal productivity and your days will be less profitable. It is…

The price of success

To become great in any respect requires a certain sacrifice. Sometimes your decisions will not be very ...

Wealth creation gurus

Do you know some wealth building gurus who inspire you? If you do not know any or you only know one ...

Letter to an entrepreneur

You have finally decided to create your own business. I'm happy for you and I hope you get the recognition ...

Accept changes to improve

Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find the perfect calm. But unfortunately, it is difficult for ...

New day

No one in this world can change the past. Why stay disappointed, upset, or resort to revenge? The…

Self-discipline in 10 days

In this article you can download Theodore Bryan's Self-Discipline in 10 Days Book (PDF). However, you ...

Women and self-esteem

I have found an article in English that talks about how women can increase their self-esteem. I do not know why…

Don't wait to do your best

History: There was a boy who was on his university team and he did not put, not even close, his best ...

The parasites of life

Yesterday I saw a great movie called Fireproof. If you ever have a crisis in your marriage ...

What is success based on?

There are many coaches in the area of ​​personal and professional development. Why a coach and not a speaker? In order to…

The Opportunity of Adversity

I would like to share with you a discovery that I made a month ago when writing an article. I always have my dictionary of ...

Acceptance of our flaws

In the past I have been afraid of being judged by others and that they will not like it because I am too thin, because ...

The path of self-improvement

The good thing about working on your personal improvement is that when you make an effort to improve some part of your ...

Self-discipline: Willpower

The difference between a successful person and others is not the lack of strength, or knowledge, but more ...

Try and learn to be successful

We are going to talk about what failure means and by reference take out the two most important elements of success….